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College Financial Aid & Scholarship Offerings

2024-2025 Scholarship Information and Deadlines

The list below are local scholarships that are being offered to Chester Academy Seniors. BOOKMARK THIS PAGE to visit regularly as the Guidance Office will be adding to this scholarship page as they come in. Any questions regarding these scholarships, please stop in to the Guidance Office.


National Scholarship Database

Featured Scholarships for Cancer Survivors and Disabilities
Many organizations provide scholarships for cancer patients and survivors, as well for people with certain disabilities. See specific websites for full details regarding application requirements and process. DOWNLOAD a list of unique list of some of these scholarship opportunities with connecting website links.

Fastweb College Scholarship Directory
Fastweb is the go-to source for students looking to find and apply for scholarships, grants and financial aid opportunities. The state-of-the-art scholarship database helps you save time by filtering through thousands of scholarships. Each scholarship and every grant is individually vetted by our research team before it reaches the national scholarship database. Registering for a FREE college scholarship profile. Our state-of-the art algorithm uses your profile — what makes you unique— to find and send you perfect scholarship matches. You'll also be notified of any new and hot scholarships you should apply for quickly.

Federal Student Aid Information Center
1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243)
Federal Student Aid's core mission is to ensure that all eligible individuals benefit from federal financial assistance- grants, loans and work-study programs- for education beyond high school. This website allows you to learn about and apply for all forms of federal aid and manage federal loans.

HSF Scholar Program

Deadline: February 15, 2025, 5:00 pm


  • Must be of Hispanic heritage
  • U.S. citizen, permanent legal resident, or DACA
  • Minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for high school students; minimum of 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for college and graduate students
  • Plan to enroll full-time in an accredited, public or not-for-profit, four-year university, or graduate school, in the U.S., for the 2025-2026 academic year
  • Submit the FAFSA or state-based financial aid forms (if applicable)

For more information visit:

NYSASBO - Student Education Scholarship

Deadline: February 28, 2025

The Mid-Hudson Chapter of the NYS Association of School Business Officials is offering four (4)
five-hundred dollar ($500) scholarship awards to graduating students from school districts in Orange,
Ulster, Sullivan, or Dutchess County who are pursuing a degree in Business, Finance and/or Education.

● Graduating students in good academic standing planning a post secondary course study in the field
of business, finance, and/or education.
● Selected from the graduating class of a Mid-Hudson ASBO member district whose School Business
Official is a member in good standing and actively employed by said district. Dues must be paid in
full for the current school year.

Student Education Application

OCCA Scholarship

Deadline: March 7, 2025

The Orange County Counselors' Association will be awarding a total of four scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each to graduating seniors from participating high schools in Orange County. Two scholarships will be awarded to academic graduates, one to a CTEC graduate and one to a graduating special education student. 
Academic Scholarship Criteria(2@ $1000): Open to graduating seniors, ranking in the top half of the class, planning a major and a career in a counseling or human services-related area. In evaluating 
candidates, consideration will be given to involvement in community service, positive qualities of 
character, strength of academic program and level of academic achievement. Candidates do not 
have to demonstrate financial need. Please include one letter of recommendation & official transcript. 
CTEC Scholarship Criteria (l<a $1000): Open to graduating seniors planning to continue their education 
directly after high school in a college, trade school or tech school program. In evaluating 
candidates, consideration will be given to level of achievement in the CTEC program, overall 
school record, and positive qualities of character. Candidates do not have to demonstrate financial 
need. Please include one letter of recommendation & official transcript. 
Special Education Award Criteria (1 <a $1000): Open to graduating seniors planning to continue their education after high school. Candidates should be a special education student who has worked hard, overcome physical, emotional or academic disabilities and has been a positive role model for their peers. Candidates do not have to demonstrate financial need. Please include one letter of recommendation & official transcript. 
The Lauren Cummings Big Heart Award (Laptop Award): This award has been renamed in memory of Lauren Cummings, longtime OCCA Scholarship Chairperson and former President. Lauren also initially created this award as well. This is a nomination based award-students can not apply. This award will be given to a student who, like Lauren, has selflessly gone above and beyond to help other students in their school and make a difference in their lives. Candidates do not have to demonstrate financial need. Please include one letter of recommendation. 

OCCA Scholarship Application

NYSIR Scholarships

Deadline- Application due March 7, 2025

The Board of Trustees of the New York Schools Insurance Foundation and the Board of Governors of the New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal are pleased to announce that we are once again offering the Cristin Ann Bambino, Paul Jensen and Joseph Goncalves scholarship awards for the coming year. These scholarships are for college bound students from NYSIR subscribing districts only. Criteria are outlined in the accompanying pages. A committee will review all applications and the scholarships will be presented at our annual meeting in May.

The Cristin Ann Bambino scholarship will be awarded on a regional basis with one statewide award. Seven regional winners will receive a $3,000 award, one second prize winner will receive a $4,000 award and one statewide winner will receive a $5,000 award. The regional scholarships will be awarded locally, and the $5,000 scholarship will be given at our annual meeting in May.

The Paul Jensen scholarship will be awarded to two individuals on a statewide basis. The overall winner will receive a $5,000 award and the runner up will receive a $3,000 award. The $3,000 scholarship will be awarded locally, and the $5,000 scholarship will be given at our annual meeting in May.

The Joseph Goncalves Student Humanitarian scholarship will be awarded to two individuals on a statewide basis. The overall winner will receive a $5,000 award and the runner up will receive a $3,000 award. The $3,000 scholarship will be awarded locally, and the $5,000 scholarship will be given at our annual meeting in May.

Please email all submissions and supporting documents required to If student is unable to email the application, please call Krystel Allen at 516-393-2320.

  • Submission due date is Friday, March 7, 2025. Application must be received on or before this date.
  • All supporting documents must be legible and able to read/view clearly.
  • Please read each applications criteria carefully

Applications can be found:

Warwick Valley Choral - Stanley Curtis Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: Please submit your application to the Warwick Valley Chorale by midnight on March 10, 2025.

The Warwick Valley Chorale is delighted to announce the Stanley Curtis Memorial Scholarship for students aspiring to major in vocal studies at the college level. Applicants must be no older than 23 as of January 1, 2025, residents of Orange County, New York, or attending high school or college in Orange County, New York. They must also be applying to a school that offers a major in vocal studies.

In addition to completing an application, which can be found on the chorale's website- - the applicant is required to submit a one page essay which should include:.

Explanation of your goals, reasons for applying, school(s) of choice, and any other information you would like to share.

Please submit your application to the Warwick Valley Chorale by midnight on March 10, 2025.

Participants should be prepared to sing three art songs or arias in the original language, lasting no more than 15 minutes with piano accompaniment. It is preferred that the applicant provides his or her own accompanist, but one may be provided if advance notice and piano music are given.

For further information, visit the website or contact

Stanley Curtis Memorial Scholarship Application 

TEG Federal Credit Union - Joyce A. Betros Scholarship

Deadline: Application and two recommendations must be received by March 31, 2025.

Three high school seniors who have demonstrated high academic excellence and community service throughout their high school careers.  Scholarships are awarded to students who are TEG members, or whose parents/guardians are members, in good standing. Scholarship amount - $1,000

Joyce A. Betros Scholarship details and application

Green Team Movement Scholarship

Deadline: April 1, 2025

Applicants must create/start an environmentally related project. This project must have a positive impact on the environment (including but not limited to things such as biodiversity, ecological protection, preservation) . Applicants must also submit a 500 minimum word essay regarding their project. Applicants must provide at least 3 pictures of the project. 

For additional information and requirements, please check in with guidance

The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 6 Scholarship

Deadline: April 1, 2025 emailed to

The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 6 of Orange County is offering two $250.00 scholarships to graduating students who will be attending a college/university or a technical school.

University/College Application

Technical School Application

The Catholic Daughters Scholarship

Deadline: April 1, 2025

The Catholic Daughters will be awarding one $500 scholarship to a graduating high school senior who resides in Greenwood Lake School District. 

Application received at: Holy Rosary Church, Attention: Teresa Dinnen, 41 Windermere Ave, Greenwood Lake, NY 10925 

The Catholic Daughters Application 

MARTA Scholarship

Deadline: Must be postmarked by April 4, 2025

The Mid-Hudson Area Retired Teachers’ Association will be awarding  scholarships to seniors enrolled in area high schools located within MARTA.

Student qualifications are:

  1.  Ranked in the top 25% of their graduating class
  2.  Be accepted by a college for the 2025-2026 school year
  3.  Plan on a career in the field of education
  4.  Be in the need of funds but ineligible for significant federal or state aid

MARTA Scholarship Application - Application should be accompanied by an official transcript, standardized test scores and counselor recommendation.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Alpha Gamma Eta Omega Chapter

Deadline: April 11, 2025, by 5pm

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®,  Alpha Gamma Eta Omega Chapter offers three (3) $750 scholarship opportunity.

For more information please go to:

Application and details

Cosimo DiBrizzi Culinary Arts Scholarship

Deadline: April 11, 2025

Established by the family of Cosimo DiBrizzi and the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce to honor his memory.

Must be a resident of the Mid-Hudson Valley (counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam and Ulster).

Pursuing a career at the Culinary Institute of America.

Student must be accepted (or currently enrolled) at the CIA and planning to attend within the next six months.

If currently enrolled, student must have residency in the Hudson Valley for at least five years.

Application and details

Jeffrey B. Senft Memorial Scholarship for the Trades

Deadline: April 11, 2025

Established in honor of Jeffrey B. Senft by the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce, this scholarship is available to residents of the Mid-Hudson Valley pursuing a career in the trades and/or manufacturing. Applicants should have a love of working with their hands. Monies will be given directly to the educational institution in support of starting/continuing/completing training in the applicant's desired trade or field.

Must be a resident of the Mid-Hudson Valley (counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam and Ulster).

Must be committed to enroll in a training program for the trades and/or manufacturing.

Application and details

Village of Chester Police Department- Officer John "G13" Grzywaczewski Memorial Award

Deadline: April 15, 2025

Officer Grzywaczewski had a wide range of hobbies, from working on motor vehicles and radios, to taking care of his multitude of varying pets. He always strove to improve anything he tended, with the skill of a professional.  Please provide a 1-page essay describing where you plan to attend, what field you are pursuing, and why you chose that field. Applying students can submit the essay submission to the Chester Academy Guidance Office by 4/15/2025

Emily Akers Scholarship

Deadline: Applications must be postmarked by April 15, 2025

The Children’s Enrichment Committee of Orange County, New York, is an organization of volunteers.
We raise funds and develop programs to promote the well-being of foster children, homeless children, and
children in extreme financial need. Our major projects are summer camperships, holiday gifts for foster
children, college scholarships for children in need and grants for foster children in college.

This year we are offering six $1000 scholarships for high school seniors who qualify. A copy of the scholarship application can be found below. A personal interview with their finalists may also be requested by the Scholarship Committee.
College scholarships will be awarded on the basis of:

(1) extreme financial need,
(2) academic achievement, including GPA as reflected on an official transcript, (3) extra-curricular
activities, community service, and work-history (which may include family responsibilities), and (4)
evaluation of essay.

Emily Akers Scholarship Application


CSEA-Orange County Local 836 Scholarship

Deadline: Must be postmarked by April 18, 2025

Any student who has a parent  and/or guardian that is a member of CSEA Orange County Local 836 may fill out and submit the scholarship application form.  Each year CSEA Orange County Local 836 awards a total of 15 scholarships in the amount of $500 each to dependents of a CSEA Orange County Local 836 member. 

Details and application


Masonic War Veterans Beth-El Post #29 Scholarship

Deadline: Applications due to the guidance office by April 18, 2025

Beth-El Post #29, Masonic War Veterans of the State of New York, a concordant body of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York awards a total of ten $100.00 scholarships annually to graduating seniors of schools in Orange and Sullivan
Counties (and Ellenville) with a military affiliation.

Beth-El Post #29 details and application 

Greenwood Lake Lions Scholarship

Deadline: Postmarked by April 25, 2025 to Robert Kiedaisch, 3 Forester Ave #94, Warwick, NY 10990

The Greenwood Lake Lions Club will award a $2,000 scholarship to a senor who resides in the Greenwood Lake School District and who has demonstrated a commitment to community service.

Application and details

Chester Alumni Association Scholarships

DeadlineThe deadline for submission to the guidance office is April 28, 2025

The Chester Alumni Association annually awards the following scholarships:

  • Chester Alumni Scholarship to a graduating senior at Chester Academy attending a two or four year accredited college. $400
  • Ruth Parkin Carroll Memorial Scholarship to a graduating senior at Chester Academy attending a two or Four year accredited college. $400
  • Chester Alumni Descendent Scholarship to a graduating senior at any accredited high school and is a descendent of a Chester graduate, (parent, grandparent, aunt, etc.), and attending a two or four year accredited college. $400

The Chester Alumni Vocational/Technical School Award-presented to a graduating senior that completed a CTECH program and is going to work in that field or continue their education in that field. The value is $400.00 per award.  This award will be presented at our annual Get-Together event, July 2025. 

Applications for these scholarships can be downloaded from our website: 

Applications can be submitted to the guidance office or mailed to: Chester Alumni Association - PO BOX 544, Chester, NY 10918 

Phyllis Klein -WVQG Scholarship

Deadline: May 1, 2025

The Warwick Valley Quilters' Guild (WVQG) offers a scholarship to a graduating high school senior planning to pursue an education in the field of fiber arts (including majors such as textile arts, fashion design, fashion marketing) and/or fine arts — including such majors as painting, sculpture, graphic art. The applicant must have completed at least one course in sewing, textiles, design, and/or art during high school.

Application and details

Orange County Tavern and Restaurant Owners Scholarship

Deadline: May 1, 2025

The Orange County Tavern and Restaurant Association sponsors annual scholarship awards to graduating
seniors that plan on attending an accredited collage as a full-time student in the food and beverage industry.
The purpose of the scholarship is to assist a deserving student in receiving food service, vocational, or
restaurant/hospitality management training beyond the high school level.

OCTRA details and application

ACT Through Music Suicide Prevention & Awareness Scholarship

Deadline: Sent via email by May 9, 2025 to

This scholarship opportunity requires one to create a short video or submit an essay. The chosen applicant will be awarded $300 to put towards college, a trade school, or even a career.


ACT Through Music Application

Mediacom Entrepreneur of Tomorrow Award


1. Entrepreneurial spirit as evidenced by the following qualities: 

  • part-time employment during high school;  
  • involvement in community/school-oriented clubs or organizations;  
  • demonstration of leadership skills;  
  • perseverance in the face of adversity.  

2. Academic success (minimum grade point average > 85).  


The Mediacom Entrepreneur of Tomorrow Award is presented to one graduating senior from each  high school in Orange County. The award is intended to honor academically successful high school  students who exemplify the same entrepreneurial spirit as Mediacom’s Founder, Rocco B.  Commisso. Recipients will receive a $1,500 award and a commemorative plaque.

Mediacom Award Questionnaire


The deadline for submission has closed:

NYSED 2025 Scholarships for Academic Excellence

Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship

Deadline: Application due January 9, 2025 by 5 p.m.

Jenkins Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: To be considered, the completed application must be sent to the New York State PTA office, post-marked, not metered, by December 15, 2024.

The Elks National Foundation (ENF) and NYS Elks Association

Deadline: November 12, 2024

The Susanne Smoller Commitment to Advocacy Youth Award

Deadline: Must be postmarked by November 15, 2024, to the NYS PTA office or submitted via Google Forms by 11:59 pm on November 15, 2024

Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation

Deadline: September 30, 2024, at 5 p.m.

Applying for College Financial Aid

DEADLINE: 06/30/2025, by 11:59 p.m. Central time.

The 2024–25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is now available. You can complete the form to apply for financial aid to help pay for attendance at college between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025. Site service may be paused for maintenance and technical updates as needed.

Additional forms may be required.  Visit the US Dept of Education for information regarding the FAFSA FSA (Federal Student Aid) ID to sign the form electronically. You can get your FSA ID at Free Application for Federal Student Aid (Federal) A 2024-25 FASFA form must be filled out if you wish to take-out Federal Student Loans If you are a dependent student, you will need the following information for you & your parents:
> Your Social Security Number
> Your parents' Social Security numbers
> Your parents' tax documents

HESC- Higher Education Services Corporation (NYS). HESC form can be filled-out directly from the FASFA form

CSS Profile/Financial Aid The CSS Profile is an online application used by colleges and scholarship programs to award non-federal institutional aid. These schools require the CSS Profile as well as the FASFA form for financial aid

Financial Aid Night Presentation (2024)

Marist Financial Aid 

SUNY Orange Financial Aid

US Department of Education
College Board 
SUNY EOP Requirements