Free/Reduced Lunch Program
Free and Reduced Price School Meals
Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year and are available to all children whose families meet Federal guidelines. A new application must be submitted each year, but only one application is necessary for each household. Download and complete the appropriate language instructions and applications and submit them to the school office.
Click here to view the free and reduced meal announcement.
Click here to view the free and reduced meal letter to parents.
Click here to view the free and reduced meal application.
Haga clic aquí para ver la carta de comidas gratis y reducidas para padres en español
Haga clic aquí para ver la solicitud de comidas gratis y a precio reducido en español
The National Hunger Hotline, 1-866-3-HUNGRY, operated by WhyHunger, is a toll-free phone number available to people in need of food assistance. Families can call the National Hunger Hotline to find summer meal sites in their communities. Click this link,, enter the zip code and zoom out for area locations.
Covid-19 Stimulus Update
Enhanced P-EBT Benefits may be distributed as part of the new relief plan – BUT ONLY if they know who is in need.
School meal applications are important. They can help you get P-EBT benefits to purchase food for your family if your child qualifies for free or reduced price meals.
To be considered for this and other benefits please print this form and return it to your child’s school.
Contact Information
Erin Brennan
Business Official
Click here to email